
Director, 617888九五至尊娱乐中心 & 517888九五至尊娱乐

博士的大头照. Jen琼斯

詹妮弗•琼斯 is the director for the Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐 at the Union of Concerned Scientists. 在她的角色中,Dr. 琼斯发挥领导作用, 指导, and vision for the Center’s staff as they work together for strong, 独立的公共617888九五至尊娱乐, 一个健壮的, 透明的517888九五至尊娱乐, justice for overburdened communities, and the effective use of science in public-serving policymaking.

在加入UCS之前,Dr. Jones was an associate professor of environmental studies and director of the Center for Environment and Society at Florida Gulf Coast University, where her research and teaching interests focused on political ecology, 生物多样性保护, 全球粮食可持续性, and environmental governance. She previously served on the faculty of Virginia Tech, 威廉姆斯学院, and the University of Tennessee. Additional experiences include appointments as president and CEO of Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont and as a Program Director for the International 荣誉s Program, 世界学习的一部分, where she managed study abroad programs on five continents. She currently serves on several Commissions for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Dr. Jones’ work at the intersection of science and democracy has sought to increase climate literacy with marginalized communities and build systems to increase diversity and equity in public science. 同时, her work has spotlighted disinformation campaigns by the fossil fuel industry as well as government public spending and land use laws in the name of resilience that favor wealthy communities.

Dr. Jones earned her PhD and MS in environment and society from the University of Pretoria, 南非, and a BS in natural resource recreation management from the University of Florida. She has been quoted on CBS News, NPR和WINK新闻, 在其他网点中, and has written op-eds for the 新闻单位.